Friday, March 4, 2011

Tips on choosing safety toys for children

Toys for children is actually very important to stimulate the development of our children in addition to good food (the safest way to choose safe food consumption.) But you should consider some tips for parents to choose safe toys for their children:
1. Form
The form of toys are now very diverse. Most are shaped miniature animals and cartoon characters. My advice avoid choosing a dangerous animal-shaped toy or a reptile. Why are reptiles? snake example, when children discover the real snake in the yard he will think this is a toy.

2. Material
    Materials toys for children at least to the attention and consideration we as parents. Let's not choose toys    that are made from glass, metal and filled with fluid. My experience is better to choose material from a plastic toy or Karen. There should also be noticed if there are labels on toys that include a mention on the material content of the toy maker is it safe or not.

3. Model
    Adult toy model is already very diverse. There are passive and attractive. My advice is to choose toys that are dangerous, such as cap pistol and firecrackers.

4. Price
Issue price may be a consideration to me. But you may not be a consideration. Can imagine with the price of toys over 1 million but broken down within 1 day only.


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