Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Amazing of photosynthesis

Plants survive by a process that scientists are still trying to understand. When we say the word 'process' it think of mathematical operations and formulas. Even we find math hard to learn sometimes, but plants, that have no mind or body like we have, can do it. It's a miracle! From the day they were created, plants have been performing this chemical process without a problem. Wherever green plants are, it means that there is a factory producing sugar from carbon dioxide and water by using the Sun's energy. Even though they lack our awareness, the spinach we eat, the lettuce in our salads and the ivy in our houses are always in constant production for us. This is a result of the mercy that Almighty Allah, with His supreme knowledge, has on human beings. He has created plants for the benefit of human beings and all animals. This flawless process that modern human technology cannot even fully understand has been used by leaves for millions of years.

In the Qur'an, Allah tells us that a human being cannot even create even a single tree from nothing that plants could breathe by this special chemical process called photosynthesis. So, how did this process take place? That is using the soil, water, air and the sun, unconscious plant cells take a certain amount of minerals and water from the soil and produce food for human beings. With the energy they take from the sun, they break down these materials and later bring them back together to produce food. This is just an outline of the process, but at every stage we can see that there is a conscious and intelligent plan. It is clear that the purpose of this amazing system operating in plants is to provide a source of life designed for the benefit of human beings. It is wonderful that all these things come together in a single little leaf and work with no problem.


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